Category: NSD News

2012 Golden Angels Mission Concert

On November 4, 2012, the Golden Angels, a group of singing missionaries from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD), held a mission concert at Sahmyook University, Korea. There were more than 2,000 people in attendance at…

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Dedication of Pioneer Mission Movement Missionaries

On November 3, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) held a dispatching and dedication service for the Pioneer Mission Movements(PMM) 11th batch of missionaries at the Seoul Central Church. Eightpastors have dedicated six years of their…

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2nd CHUM Youth Leadership Congress

On Sep 28~Oct 1, 2012, the Chinese Union Mission (CHUM) Youth Ministry held their 2nd CHUM Youth Leadership Conference at the Kenting National Park Youth Center. About 150 people participated from China, Hong Kong, and…

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Angels and Children Orphanage Dedication in Rukanga, Congo

On September 9, 2012, a dedication ceremony was held for the completion of the Angels and Children Orphanage in Rukanga, Congo. Construction was completed with the help of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency’s (ADRA)…

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Training and Dispatch for the 40th Batch of 1000MM Missionaries

The 1000MM (1000 Missionary Movement) campus welcomed 101 new missionaries on June 24, 2012. The 40th batch of 1000MM missionaries had a very busy training schedule ahead of them, as you can see in the…

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2012 Global Media/Communicat Summit

The General Conference (GC) Communication Department held a Global Media Summit at the GC headquarters from September 26 to October1, 2012. 80 Adventist media professionals and Division Communication directors had an inspiring time through lectures…

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KAPA Students reach Their Community Through an English Program

“Let’s Play English” is a specialized English program, free of charge to children who are in a low income family,are from a multi-cultural family, and live in the Yongmun-myeon area.The program is run by the…

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After debate, Annual Council votes Statement on Church Polity

Following three hours of respectful study and discussion, leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist world church voted to approve a “Statement on Church Polity, Procedures and Resolution of Disagreements in the Light of Recent Union Actions…

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Turning Despair into Hope

Long civil war. Widespread corruption. Political confusion and ongoing skirmishes. Ranking on the index of failed states: number 2. Ranking on the global hunger index: number 3. Placement on the world governance index: 178 out…

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A Stream of Sewer Can be a Cleansing Water

The first Sabbath in September, 2012, five evangelistic meetings were held in Ntungamo, which is a District in West Uganda, Africa. It was not easy to conduct five evangelistic meetings at the same time, but it was accomplished by the grace of God, and the church member’s dedicated service. During the meeting period, there was…

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