Category: NSD News

HHMM Launching Ceremony with Adventist Taxi Drivers

On Tuesday, October 30, 2012, there was a His Hands Missionary Movement (HHMM) launching ceremony in the auditorium of the Korean Union Conference (KUC). The missionaries who applied for HHMMat this time were all taxi…

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Looking Ahead To a Progressive Mission for Years to Come!

On November 19-20, 2012, Dr. Jairyong Lee, Elders Akeri Suzuki, Ken Osborn and Sung Guimo, joined the staff of the Mongolia Mission Field (MMF) for their Annual Council meeting. During the opening remarks, Dr. Lee…

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Korean Adventist Hospitals Make an Agreement with Dongdaemun-gu

On November 13, 2012, Seoul Adventist Hospital and Sahmyook Adventist Dental Hospital made an agreement with the DongdaemunWard Office, to provide health care service to the Dongdaemun community. Both hospitals decided to participate in the…

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Pathfinders“Junior Basic Staff Training Course” in Korea

On November 17~18, 2012,the Pathfinders“Junior Basic Staff Training Course” (JBSTC) was held at TaegangSahmyook Elementary School. From students to lecturers, all wore the Pathfinder uniform. The training sessions consisted of“Mental Education”,“Teen Leadership”, “Function of theUniform…

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The Okinawa Mission Has Set a Goal to Train 100 HisHands Missionaries Next Year

The Okinawa Mission in Japan held a HisHandsMission Movement Missionary (HHMM) Training Seminar on November 10 and 11, 2012, at the Naha Church in Okinawa. Pastor Han, Suk Hee from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)…

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Spiritual Training of Pastors from the East Japan Conference

From October 21 to 29, 2012, 20 pastors from the East Japan Conference, along with four pastor’s wives, participated in a special spiritual training in Korea. This retreat consisted of a lecture from the Bible…

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Adventist president calls for December 1 Day of Prayer & Fasting

Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson, calls for a December 1 International Day of Prayer and Fasting for two Adventists imprisoned in the West African country of Togo. Wilson spoke about the situation with…

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In Togo, Cape Verdean Adventist pastor imprisoned on dubious charges

Seventh-day Adventist lawyers and human rights advocates are calling for the immediate release of an Adventist pastor imprisoned in Togo on what they say are spurious charges. Antonio dos Anjos Monteiro was detained in March…

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Family Evangelistic Series in XinDian church, Taiwan

The Xin Dian Church located in Taipei welcomed more than fifty people for a family evangelistic series which began on Sunday, November 11 and will run till November 17, 2012. The featured speakers are Drs…

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2012 NSD Annual Council

The Annual Council of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) was held from November 1-5, 2012 in Ilsan, Korea. The church leaders of the General Conference (GC), Division, Unions, Conferences, Mongolia Mission Field (MMF), institutions, and…

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