Presidential Report

2023 NSD Presidential Report

             In the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, we are thankful for God’s guidance and blessings. We also appreciate Elder Ted Willson, General Conference President, along with the other world Church leaders for their support for NSD in spreading the Three Angel’s Messages despite many challenges.

             Each country in NSD is working to restore the Church’s mission after the COVID-19 pandemic. The following reports demonstrate their strong commitment toward this goal.


             The Korean Union Conference has called for “I Will Go” initiative with the idea to take the blessings that the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Korea has received from God over the past 119 years and say, “I will go to the world,” making this a special core mission project.

             After successfully completing the first seven global mission projects in 2022, Korea has initiated the second stage, which includes nine major mission projects in eight different countries. As of July 2023, sponsored mission projects have been completed in Nepal, Uzbekistan, and India.


             Mission activities have resumed after three years of strict COVID-19 rules.

             Mission Unusual Tokyo continues to focus on training and establishing new groups with 18 groups preparing to start these new churches as soon as they complete their discipleship training.

             An Urban Center of Influence at NanKano, Tokyo opened in September, with preparations to attract people who are searching for more fulfilling lives.

             Youth Rush Japan has sent 16 young people out to share God’s message in two different locations.


             The “I Will Go” project in Taiwan selected 21 churches for the Big-City Simultaneous Evangelistic meetings that took place from June to July 2023. These meetings aimed to reignite mission work following the COVID-19 period. NSD and Taiwan Conference leaders and pastors played a crucial role in organizing the event, which resulted in 58 baptisms.

Activities involving young people ranged from using the internet, offering programs for families and children, providing health education, and contributing to the community. These efforts not only ignited enthusiasm among Taiwan’s churches for spreading God’s message but also increased their involvement in sharing their faith with others.


             The mission initiatives “I Will Go” and Get Involved” encompassed a wide range of activities from June to September. These activities included large church meetings, home visits, sharing special books, hosting women’s seminars, summer camps, health education, training individuals to spread God’s message, fostering church growth, and participation in the Pathfinder Camporee.

             Mission Week in Ulaanbaatar was held June 18-24, 2023. Leading up to the mission week, churches and local pastors engaged in 10 days of intercessory prayer. The week commenced by offering foot massages as a gesture to share God’s love. This was followed by the United evangelistic Meeting in Ulaanbaatar, Leading many 112 individuals to Jesus Christ.

Pioneer Mission Movement

             Since March 2003, PMM has sent 142 missionary families to 25 countries such as Japan and Cambodia. Over 20 years, they’ve witnessed 34,423 baptisms and the establishment of 359 churches. Currently, 32 PMM missionary families are actively serving in 13 countries, including new locations like Vietnam, Myanmar, and Nepal. These dedicated missionaries are single-minded in their goal to establish churches and provide salvation to people. Recently, we sent a missionary family to serve Yemeni refugees, helping them overcome their harsh situation through the Gospel and find ways to survive.

          On June 18, 2023, the 20th anniversary of PMM was celebrated. This special event united people and served as a reminder of God’s continuous support over two decades. The occasion inspired them to persist in their dedicated pursuit of fulfilling the Great Commission.

1000 Missionary Movement

             Started 31 years ago, 1000MM had a goal to send 1,000 young Adventists annually to spread God’s message. This thriving mission movement operates seven branches within the Philippines, two in Indonesia, and one in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Mongolia with more than 550 Adventist young people helping in these locations despite challenging conditions.

             They offer medical care to those in need, share the gospel with eager learners, and host significant gatherings to impart teachings about God’s Kingdom. Up to now, 11,400 young Adventists from 64 countries have been dispatched to 47 nations. This effort has resulted in 76,320 baptisms, 802 new churches, and the establishment of 1,498 congregations. Many young men dedicated a year of their lives to God. While serving as missionaries, some of these men became pastors, pastors’ wives, church leaders, elders, and deacons, spreading the everlasting gospel. Wouldn’t this movement be the work of the Holy Spirit?

North Korea Mission Department

             In March, the Sixth North Korea Mission Conference took place, featuring President Ted Wilson, Executive Secretary Erton Köhler, and Adventist Mission Director Gary Krause. This conference underscores their unwavering commitment to the mission in North Korea. Collaborating with other organizations, the North Korea Mission actively contributes to spreading the gospel within North Korea.

Prayer Movement:

A movement has been launched with the purpose of daily prayers for North Korea at 11:45 am, seeking divine intervention to open the doors for the gospel in the country. Furthermore, a designated prayer Sabbath is observed in November, with numerous churches in both Korea and the United States actively participating in this movement.

Missionary Training:

Preparations are currently in progress for missionaries to evangelize North Korea whenever the opportunity arises. The NKPMM, a group of pastor missionaries, has commenced a three-year training program. The Priscilla & Agulla lay missionary group is actively engaged in training over 150 missionaries with a focus on North Korea-oriented activities. In addition, the youth missionary group known as Bukbukbuk has conducted training and baptized individuals in Mongolia.

North Korean Defector Mission

South Korea is currently home to more than 34,000 defectors, many of whom still maintain connections with their families in North Korea. Engaging in evangelization efforts with these defectors can result in the spread of the gospel within their families. To facilitate this, seminars, training sessions for helpers, and evangelism gatherings are organized. It’s worth noting that young defectors have undergone baptisms, and there is even a plan for one of them to study theology with the goal of becoming a pastor.
North Korean Church Reconstruction Movement

Before the division of North and South Korea, there existed 106 Adventist churches in North Korea. Unfortunately, all these churches were dismantled during the communist regime. However, we are currently in the process of devising plans for their reconstruction. This initiative involves pairing a church from South Korea with a counterpart from North Korea for the purpose of rebuilding. Presently, 40 churches have actively taken part in this movement, with an additional 9 churches from both Korea and the United States having joined the movement.

The Third NSD Pathfinder Camporee

The Northern Asia-Pacific Division Youth Department held its third Pathfinder Camporee from August 1-5 with the spirit of “I Will Go.” The event marked a significant milestone in the recovery from the pandemic and the revitalization of the Church’s Pathfinder Club ministry.

Representatives from NSD’s territories, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Mongolia, as well as pathfinders and staff from around the world attended the Camporee. The experience of worshiping with over 4,000 participants on Sabbath was profoundly meaningful for the Pathfinders. With 80 baptisms, this event demonstrated the importance of salvation and our commitment to service among the youth.

Public Campus Ministry(PCM)

The PCM missionary movement has been ongoing for the past 5 years, resulting in the dispatch of 42 missionaries thus far. At present, the 5th batch of missionaries is actively engaged on university campuses in cities such as Beitun, Xindian, Dali, and Pingzhen in Taiwan. The campus activities are strategically linked to the church’s center of influence, creating an impact as young individuals are drawn to various churches through activities such as Korean language classes and experiences in Korean culture, including cooking Korean food, engaging with K-POP, dramas, and music

Thanks to PCM activities, both the National Taipei University of Technology and National Taiwan University have incorporated Korean language into their official curriculum. This has enabled these universities to share the gospel with hundreds of students each semester, leading to the baptism of many youth members and to serve as youth leaders in churches. Currently, there’s a dedicated effort to provide guidance and training for graduates, enabling them to establish themselves in local churches across various regions after securing employment.

GAiN Asia Conference

The Northern Asia-Pacific Division hosted the GAiN Asia Conference on Jeju Island, South Korea, September 13-16 with the theme “I Will Go Digital.” The goal was to share ideas and knowledge about digital missions with digital missionaries. There were 26 experts from eight countries at the event. A total of 250 people from 13 Asian countries came together to discuss digital mission technology and content. The conference highlighted the significance of digital missions both after COVID and in global missions.

Great Controversy Project 2.0.

In a united effort across NSD for the Great Controversy Project 2.0, there were 300,000 books distributed in Korea, exceeding their original goal by threefold. And despite challenges, the Japanese, Taiwanese, and Mongolian conferences are collectively working toward distributing 30,000 printed books, with each conference aiming to provide 10,000 books.

NSD countries are using the internet and social media platforms to share the Great Controversy message through e-books and audiobooks. They are also in the process of creating a mobile app and an online platform to facilitate the easy sharing of gospel truths.

In conclusion, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division continues to seek God’s help and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, giving us power to confront and overcome new challenges, ultimately fulfilling the mission God has set before us. Our current mission projects are a testament to our “I Will Go” spirit and mindset with ongoing financial, organizational, and motivational support. As we prepare for 2024, we “Will Go” forward in prayer, energizing our members to actively join us as we spread the Good News of Jesus.