Category: NSD News

Communication and Leadership Advancement Program – RUN 2C

The third session of the second run of the Communication and Leadership Advancement Program (CLAP) commenced at the Asia-Pacific International University campus from March 4-15, 2012.  Thirty-three selected leaders from CHUM, JUC, KUC and MMF…

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Publication of the First Issue of the Mission Day Magazine

On February 10, 2012, the first issue of the Mission Day magazine was published to introduce the Mission Day Program. It is one of the mission projects in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD). The magazine…

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First NSD Leadership Summit

The very first NSD Leadership Summit convened at the Heritage Hotel, Manila,  Philippines with an opening address by DrJairyong Lee, NSD President , stating precisely the purpose of this important convention:  Leadership, Revival and Mission.…

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NSD Staff Holds Retreat for Unity and Mission

On February 16~20, 2012, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) held a staff retreat in the Philippines.  The purpose of the retreat was to unite the NSD family and to inspire mission spirit. The NSD Social…

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1000 Missionary Movement News

1. 37th Group Missionary Graduation There was a graduation ceremony at the 1000MM campus on January 28, 2012, for the 37th group of missionaries who completed one year of their life which they had dedicated…

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110 Years of Mission in China

During the weekend of February 3-5, 2012, Chinese Union Mission and Hong Kong Macao Conference of Seventh-day Adventists hosted the 110th anniversary of the official beginning of Adventist Mission in China.  Many Adventist believers from…

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HisHands Training in Kobe, Japan

The Kobe SDA Church, which is the oldest church in Japan with 108 years of history, held a HisHands Training Session Revival on January 28 and 29, 2012. Pastor SukHee Han, Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)…

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Training Session in Mongolia

For ten days, in the midst of the cold Mongolian winter, the pastors came to Ulaanbaatar for training.  January 16 to 26, 2012, the pastors and some church leaders met at the Mongolian Mission Field…

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1000 Missionary Han, Jong Suk’s extraordinary mission activities

It was March, 2011 when the Korean missionary couple, Mr. and Mrs. Han Jong Suk, arrived in the MDIA District, Zamboanga Peninsula Mission. District Pastor, Vilmar Mantos Mandalupa met the missionaries with excitement. The church members were very happy when welcoming them because they believed that they were sent by God to do a sacred…

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NSD President visits Papua New Guinea

   Dr. Jairyong Lee, NSD President, visited Papua New Guinea (PNG) from December 21, 2011 to January 1, 2012 as the main speaker at the Southern Highlands Adventist Youth Convention. The Convention was held in…

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