Week of Prayer: Strengthening Family Relations

“One well-ordered, well-disciplined family tells more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached. Such a family gives evidence that the parents have been successful in following God’s directions, and that their children will serve Him in the church” (Adventist Home, Chapter 4, p.4).

In conjunction with the admonition of Ellen White as quoted above, the Family Ministry department of Mongolia Mission Field (MMF), through the leadership of Cleidi Kuhn initiated and organized a family week of prayer on May 11-18, 2013 at the Central Church, in collaboration with the Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Purevdulam Jugderjav, for the Sabbath afternoon trainings. The meeting is aimed to strengthen the family relations by educating the young people on biblical principles regarding marriage- the choice of Christian partner, the responsibilities that embody parenthood, the importance of commitment both to the spouses and above all, to Jesus Christ who is the ultimate source of marital bliss and the anchor of stable and happy Christian families.

The program is well participated by all the Seventh-day Adventist churches located within the premises of the capital city, Ulaanbaatar. Regular members have invited their friends and relatives who have come to our Church for the first time; thus the nightly meetings are filled with very good number of attendance.

Pastor Elbert Kuhn, MMF Director, opened the week of prayer by giving a powerful sermon about ‘Family, A Powerful Christian Witness’. In the Sabbath afternoon, expectant mothers gathered for an informative lecture on Pregnancy. Orientations were given on how to deal with the bodily and hormonal changes, the crucial role mothers play during the formative years of the children and the Christian concept of Child Guidance.

On the succeeding days, the topics discussed include the following: ‘Choosing the Life Partner’, ‘Character Matters’, ‘Standards of Family Living’, ‘Children the Heritage of the Lord’, ‘Parents Position and Responsibilities’, ‘Graces that Brighten Family Life’ and ‘The Reward Here and Hereafter’. Joining Elder Kuhn as among the resource speakers from MMF are Pastors Bold Batsukh, Ministerial Director, Kang Hashik, Youth Director, Nyamdavaa Dovchinsuren, Evangelism Coordinator and Dr. Josue Orellana, ADRA Mongolia Country Director. The program closed on the Sabbath afternoon of May 18 with the discussion about ‘Living and Leading Your Spouse to Christ’.

It is overwhelming to see the affirmative response of the Congregation who attended the meetings together with their spouses and children with much enthusiasm and delight. Not only the family lives of our Adventists members are renewed, but it was very good opportunity to share the gospel of Christ among non believers who regularly graced the week of prayer. The latter were given some of our Christian books like Adventist Home, Radical Protection and a few to mention.

As EG White says, “The mission of the home extends beyond its own members. The Christian home is to be an object lesson, illustrating the excellence of the true principles of life. Such an illustration will be a power for good in the world. As the youth go out from such a home, the lessons they have learned are imparted. Nobler principles of life are introduced into other households, and an uplifting influence works in the community” (Adventist Home, Chapter 4, p.1). It is therefore our prayers that our Family Ministries in Mongolia will make a significant impact to the lives of the people we associate with. And, by the grace of God, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our faithful Christian walk will mirror what Adventist Home is all about.