As Mongolia Mission (MM) focused on strengthening the local churches, MM President Han SukHee, Executive Secretary Nyamdavaa Dovchinsuren, Treasurer Angelina D. Pagarigan, Ministerial Secretary Nyamsuren Myagmar, and the Ministerial Spouse Association Coordinator Chun EunKyung headed to the west region of Mongolia and to the farthest north to visit six countryside churches.
Early in the morning of March 21, 2022, we drove more than 800 kilometers from Ulaanbaatar to reach the local church in Khovsgul. This church was built by foreign missionaries who came many years ago. One of the biggest challenges of this church is the outflow of youth members from this region to the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. This challenge is not unusual to almost all local churches outside of Ulaanbaatar as many young people move to the city for their university studies. But Khovsgul has quite a large land area that can still be developed. One of the main projects is to build a Center of Influence at a beautiful lake where many tourists visit, about 100 kilometers from the Khovsgul Church.

The second destination was Bulgan Church, one of the historic Adventist churches in Mongolia as it was built by early volunteer missionaries and church members. The church has been well maintained by its leader, Pastor Saran Bolorgegee and his wife. And they have established a very good relationship with the local government. It is inspiring to know that they are connecting with the community by teaching Korean and English at the local court office. The church building is large and has space on its second floor that needs finishing to accommodate visiting evangelistic teams. Before COVID-19, an active pathfinder program was well appreciated by the parents in the community. Now that the church can hold face-to-face gatherings, this program is expected to be revived.
Erdenet Province is the third province in Mongolia where a church has been built. Also, most of our young church leaders who are now serving in different capacities in churches were first converted through evangelistic crusades conducted in this city. The church leader Gantugs Dashdendev has been teaching guitar lessons to attract young people to the church and his wife, Otgontuya, has started a soap making project. For this project she wrote a proposal to the government and was successful in receiving support. She is using this activity to meet people and connect to the community. Mongolia Mission has two properties here. One is where the current church is located and the other one is another promising property located at the main highway near a hospital. This property is being studied on how to further develop the presence of the church in this fast-growing city.
From Erdenet Province, the visiting team went to Sant, a small town where there is also a promising property. The church leader Munkhtuya Natsagdorj expressed her need for further support in this area to have an evangelistic team preach the word of God and share the good news of salvation. She said that the church is well-known and respected in the town and she has formed a good relationship with the people.
The next destination was Khutul Church, one of the strongest churches in Mongolia led by Sister Baljinnyam Dolgor. The church members are still meeting in her apartment but MM acquired land in 2016 where a church and a community center can be built. This church has about 30 active members with community connections who are faithful tithe givers. It was so impressive how all the printed activity reports from year to year with their tithe and offering reports and bank books were laid down on the table with the sumptuous meal that warmly welcomed the MM leaders. One of their latest stewardship activities is to encourage each church member to use a bank for savings. The passbook from the bank showing their savings was among the documents presented to the MM leaders.
Then, we went to the church at Darkhan in that province, which is the second largest city of Mongolia. This church was started using their church during weekdays as a “dress shop” for second-hand clothes that were donated by Korean church members. The money they generate from this shop is what they use to support local church members in need and to run their community service activities. As the city is developing very fast, Pastor Kim JungChul, one of the Pioneer Mission Movement missionaries in Mongolia, has solicited funds to buy a bigger plot of land in a strategic place for a community health center. The MM leadership visited this property and prayed for the Lord to guide every step as the church pastor continues to find the needed funds to develop the land.
Selenge Province was the last destination of the leaders during this visitation. In this area, MM has three parcels of land: one is where a church was also built by missionaries and the two other properties are farm land where agriculture projects can serve as promising sources of funds to support local church operations.
The local church visitation was very engaging as the Mission leaders sat down with each church pastor and lay leader to discuss their victories and challenges in their respective areas of ministry. The MM leadership received a comprehensive report and gained a fuller view of the needs for physical development of the local churches as well as a need for professional training and support of the assigned church leaders.
It is with prayers and continued supplications to our Lord Almighty that the work in the countryside of Mongolia will grow and prosper through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to every leader and member. We continue to solicit your wholehearted support through prayers and benevolent donations for the furtherance of the work in Mongolia until all people in every local area are baptized and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
News article by Angelina D. Pagarigan, MM Treasurer & Nyamsuren Myagmar, MM Ministerial Secretary