To achieve the goal of the Taiwan Conference’s “Together in Mission,” TWC invited Pastor Jonas Arrais, Ministerial Secretary of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD), to speak on church growth and increasing church resources in seminars held for district pastors, elders, and deacons across Taiwan. The seminars took place from August 10th to 13th in four regions: North, Central, South, and East Taiwan, with over 260 attendees participating in the conference.
Pastor Jonas Arrais, drawing from his extensive pastoral experience, delivered vibrant, engaging, and efficient presentations. In his seminar on “How to Increase Church Offerings,” he identified several challenges, such as a lack of instruction from church pastors or leaders, a declining number of church members, and the country’s economic situation. He then provided practical tips on increasing church financial resources, which were well-received by the audience. In addition, Pastor Arrais delivered a presentation on church growth, focusing on the factors that hinder growth and how to address these issues within churches. His insights captivated the audience, who found the content deeply relevant and helpful for their ministries.
Participants expressed that they were profoundly moved by the presentations and found the insights highly beneficial for their churches. Many attendees requested further instruction, stating they felt motivated and gained a clear vision through the conference.
Clark Ke, President of the Taiwan Conference, remarked, “We hope these workshops will assist pastors and church leaders in reviewing the current state of their churches and in proposing effective strategies and creative methods to promote church growth and advancement.”
Pastor Jonas Arrais shared his thoughts, saying, “I feel pleased because I love what they do. They have a passion for what they do. It was a very precious time for me.” He also mentioned that he plans to continue visiting Taiwan regularly to provide further training and support.