Last year, with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal included in its missionary region, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) became the one with the most significant number of Muslim followers worldwide. Nearly half of the world’s 1.9 billion Muslims reside in India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, two of which are incorporated into the NSD.
In light of this, NSD has decided to intensify its Islamic ministry and mission efforts.
As part of this effort, a prayer movement will be launched during Ramadan, a month-long fasting period in Islam. This year, it is observed from March 11 to April 9. It is considered a sacred month as Allah revealed the Quran to Muhammad. Fasting from sunrise to sunset is obligatory during this time.
Kim SunHwan, the director of the NSD Global Mission Department, and Petras Bahadur, the director of the Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations, will collaborate to lead a prayer movement for the evangelization of Islam during this period. Additionally, the division’s employees will dedicate specific times each day to prayer.
Moreover, a special Ramadan Intercessory Prayer Guide has been released. With the theme of “The Calling as Intercessors,” the prayer guide introduces 30 major Islamic tribes, including the Algerian, Oromo, Pashtun, and Tatar tribes, and features daily prayer points for each.

The division has translated and published this guide in cooperation with the Korean Union Conference and distributed it nationwide. Pastor Kim SunHwan has toured five conference pastors’ councils to present and promote the use of the Ramadan Intercessory Prayer Guide and the program. Specifically, it has been a time to awaken a new mission for Muslim missions given to Korean churches.
Pastor Kim SunHwan stated, “Muslims are growing at a speedy rate. Facing this immense challenge, we ponder what we can and should do. First, we need to come together in prayer. We have also received the calling as intercessors. This clear and significant ministry has been entrusted to us in this era. We hope for the interest and participation of Korean church members in intercessory prayer for Islamic missions.”
Additionally, the Global Mission Department is preparing a “Muslim Mission Workshop” for pastors of the Korean Union Conference. Scheduled from Tuesday, July 2, to Friday, July 5, at the Wonju Adventist Training Center, the event will feature Dr. Petras Bahadur, director of the General Conference Institute of Islamic Studies; Pastor Jeong HyoSoo, who served as president of the West Asia Division handling Middle East missions; Raquel Arrais, director of the division’s Women’s Ministries; and Pastor Kim SunHwan as speakers.
Each conference is encouraged to nominate 5-7 pastors engaged in relevant fields. Registration fees and other expenses are supported jointly by the division, union, and conferences.
In collaboration with Sahmyook University’s Graduate School of Theology, a summer course (3 credits) related to Islamic missions will be offered from Sunday, June 16, to Friday, June 28. The target audience for this course is theology students, aspiring pastors, and pastors wishing to earn credits. Dr. Samuel Lumwe, associate director of the Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations, has been invited to lecture.
Pastor Kim SunHwan emphasized, “The division will continue actively exploring and implementing various strategies for Islamic missions. As well known, Muslim regions exhibit strong resistance to the Gospel and intense persecution of Christianity. Despite the burdens, we are endowed with a missionary vision from God. If we shift our perspective, sharing the burden as a vision, it will undoubtedly mark a turning point for the proclamation of the Three Angels’ Messages to the ends of the earth.”