The Final Session of the Second Run of CLAP

All 33 participants for CLAP 2D arrived safely at the Villae Resort overlooking the beautiful ocean off Jeju Island. This final session of the second run of CLAP started on August 19 and will end on August 30. Although Jeju is well known for its scenic spots, the participants are busy in their classrooms learning leadership and English.

The day begins with morning devotion at 6:00 a.m. that could incorporate a walk to watch the sunrise, a climb up the road that runs by the beach or a hike through the vegetable farms in the area. Classes run throughout the day until the highlight in the evening where Prayer & Friendship Circles (PFCs) meet to discuss their thoughts gleaned from their meditation on scripture passages studied in their morning devotion. Our hope and prayer is that our participants will experience a spiritual boost in addition to what they learn in English and leadership during these two weeks.