Spiritual Renewal and Unity through Week of Prayer

The Northern Asia-Pacific Division held its annual Week of Prayer from March 18-22, 2024. During these five days, the division’s officers and staff gathered for times of sermon and prayer. Pastor Lowell Cooper, who served as a former vice president of the General Conference, took to the pulpit as the speaker for the Week of Prayer. He delivered messages under the theme “Questions Jesus Asked.” In addition to the messages, special praise music prepared by the division’s department directors and staff deeply moved the hearts of those in attendance. Following the sermons, the attendees fervently prayed for the nine countries within the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. The order of the Week of Prayer included scripture, prayer, and praise, uniting in harmony.

The speaker imparts spiritual lessons to the attendees.

The speaker addressed the attendees through five subtopics: ‘What do you want me to do for you? (Mark 10:36)’, ‘For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? (Matthew 16:26)’, ‘Do you see this woman? (Luke 7:44)’, ‘Who do you say that I am? (Mark 8:29)’, and ‘Do you love me? (John 21:16)’. Through these, he aimed to enhance the participants’ spirituality and sense of mission. Pastor Cooper stated, “Through the Prayer Week, we aim to examine the questions Jesus asked us, not just to hear them but to listen with an attentive heart,” and emphasized, “A good question informs, but a great question transforms,” proclaiming the Word that could practically apply to the attendees’ spiritual life.

After the Week of Prayer, the attendees take a group photo with the speaker.

Jonas Arrais, the Ministerial Secretary of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, expressed gratitude by saying, “This week was a great opportunity for each one of us to be revived spiritually and to strengthen our relationship with God.” He also gave a blessing, saying, “May the product of such a spiritual revival be joy, peace, unity, hope, and commitment.”