NSD Annual Council

    2011 Annual Council of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division began on October, 28 at the NSD headquarter with the title of “Revival and Reformation”. All the union presidents and institution directors came to NSD headquarters to attend the meetings. Pre-meeting was held ahead for  the officers/departmental interviews, officers council, and 1000MM board meeting, etc. 

   General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson came to NSD headquarters to attend this annual council. Elder Wilson arrived at the Incheon airport on Oct, 26. NSD officers went to the airport to welcome elder and Mrs. Wilson. The day following his arrival,  elder Wilson first appointment was to visit  Sahmyook University to speak to the theology students who are the future leader of the church. In his speech, he  stressed that “God is calling for a renewed reformation in your life. We are being called back to primitive godliness and to simply believe in God. Plead with the Holy Spirit for reformation”. There was a Q & A hour after the speech, where he kindly answered many questions. 

   The official session of the Annual Council began with the morning devotional message of elder Wilson followed by DVD presentation of His Hands Mission Movement, Session, President’s Report. During the president’s report, Dr. Jairyong Lee gave a special report on the major ministries and projects of the Division how the work has been carrying on successfully and smoothly. There were also several reports of the JUC, Communication & HHMM, CHUM, etc.

    This sabbath there will be special revival meetings and events at the Sahmyook university. Elder Wilson will preach 3 times for the revival meetings. Also the PMM missionary dedication and a Golden Angels concert will be held on sabbath afternoon.