Northern Asia-Pacific Division Children's Ministries Advisory was held in Okinawa

Under the theme, “I Will Go with Jesus,” unions and conference directors from 7 countries convened on January 21-24 in Okinawa, Japan, for the quinquennium CHM Advisory. The group found inspiration in the opportunity to share new concepts in their work of reaching children for Jesus after the pandemic significantly impacted the NSD territory.

During the advisory, the three areas emphasized for Children’s Ministries were: TEACH, to strengthen the learning of Biblical principles; REACH, to equip children to reach others; and SERVE, to empower children for service and mission. Throughout the three days of meetings, a new vision, guidance, ideas, and resources for the mission with children in their respective fields were provided.

Dr. Orathai Chureson, GC Children Ministries director, and Nilde Lust, GC Children Ministries Associate Director, actively shared their expertise, ideas, insights, and guidance, providing clear direction for the work with children in NSD. Each union/conference/mission leader gave reports covering challenges and plans for the NSD fields. Special sessions actively focused on prayer and recommitment to the task.

Dr. Orathai delivers messages to the participants

The directors seized the opportunity to discuss important issues, brainstorm, share ideas, and align the work of Children’s Ministries for the years ahead. Dr. Orathai actively presented the General Conference Children’s Ministries Strategic Plan, emphasizing reaching children and teens using modern technology, strengthening prayer ministries for kids, and paying particular attention to children’s mental health. Nilde Lust shared the vision for the TMI for Children, inviting every child to do something for Jesus. Orathai and Nilde also presented the morning devotionals, stressing the importance of protecting children and being like Jesus as we inspire children to follow Him.

The participants actively engaged in discussions on issues impacting children today, bringing solutions in the context where they serve. Through this program, the leaders actively encouraged each field to train and enrich Sabbath School teachers’ leadership.

Directors of Children Ministries take a picture.

Raquel Arrais, NSD Children Ministries director, mentioned, “My prayer is that when we look at our children, we will see what God sees, hear what God says, and act accordingly to equip our children for God’s calling in their lives. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’ (Luke 18:16).”

She also stated, “I give praises to God for the days we spent together as CHM leaders. We finished the advisory spiritually refreshed to lead an effective CHM where God has placed us for such a time as this. The directors returned to their fields equipped and empowered to fulfill their calling as Children’s Ministries directors in their territories.”