Mongolia GC Biblical Research Institute Bible Conference

As the airplane descends toward Chingghis Kahn Airport, it makes a full circle as if to display the full city. Spread out below is the full panorama of Ulaanbataar; its industrial buildings as well as its neighborhoods of wooden homes next to traditional gers. Then the city is surrounded by the snow-covered mountains. This is a snapshot of the site for the first Mongolian GC Biblical Research Institute Bible Conference, March 12-14, 2013.

As the speakers from the General Conference arrive at the Ulaanbataar Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Descendants were singing to a full group of Mongolia Mission leaders, pastors, and church members. Their anticipation was palpable. Bold Batsukh, Mongolia Mission Ministerial Director, introduced the speakers to the group. Dr. Artur Stele, BRI Director; Dr. Angel Rodriguez; Dr. Clinton Wahlen; Dr. Elias Brasil de Souza; and Dr. Gerhardt Pfandl, had come to share in-depth messages from God’s Word.

The goal of the Bible conference was to strengthen and encourage our pastoral leaders and members with the importance of our Adventist message and revive our willingness to share it. As Dr. Stele opened the Bible conference he shared three keys to mission from Acts 2, 1. “Never give up!” 2. Speak boldly, be an optimist, 3. Expect God’s intervention. This enthusiasm was the foundation of the Bible conference.

NSD Assistant Ministerial Director, Lynn Ripley, summed up the response of the participants, “God’s Holy Spirit has been present as we met. The faces of the attendees were shining with renewed courage to reach Mongolia for Jesus’ kingdom. They are ready to engage their churches with new vigor in sharing the imminence of Christ’s return.”

News Article by Lynn Ripley, NSD Assistant Ministerial Director