KUC Ministerial Association Offers Training for Pastors

The Ministerial Association of the Korean Union Conference (KUC) held two important training meetings in March and April 2022. The first meeting was designed for non-ordained pastors and the second one for newly ordained ministers. During these two meetings all the attendees had the opportunity to be together and talk about their challenges as pastors.

The events were coordinated by KUC Ministerial Secretary, Pastor Huh ChangSoo. He invited several guest speakers from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, KUC, and local conferences. Relevant topics were presented on church growth, world mission, discipleship, media ministry with emphasis on digital evangelism, preaching, church administration, and other practical themes that provided guidance, motivation, and vision for pastoral ministry. 

All the attendees were enriched and blessed through the program and fellowship time. It was a good time for the young pastors to grow in knowledge and understanding, and to be more effective in their ministries.  As Ellen G. White once affirmed, “Never think that you have learned enough, and you may now relax your efforts. The cultivated mind is the measure of a man. Your education should continue during your lifetime; every day you should be learning, and putting to practical use the knowledge gained” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 561).

Jonas Arrais, NSD Ministerial Secretary