JUC Annual Council – Highlights on “Tokyo13” Project

The Japan Union Conference’s Year-end Meeting was held from November 25 to 27, 2012, at the Union Tachikawa Office located in the western part of Metro Tokyo. By God’s grace it was successfully finished.

Even though the Japanese Adventist Church struggles through many difficult situations, we can see the Lord’s mighty hand leading His work through the church members, pastors, literature evangelists, and workers of our institutions. We hear many good reports from each field.

The churches and institutions which suffered from last year’s big earthquake and tsunami have made a strong recovery and are very active.

During the meeting, the Union leader and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) representatives emphasized the “Tokyo 13”, which is the City Evangelical project which will be held next autumn.

Tokyo is called the world’s largest city, according to the United Nations statics, and will be the target city for the “City Evangelism” project sponsored by the NSD. The effort for outreach to the people of Tokyo should be done by the churches of the Japan Union Conference and the East Japan Conference.

The involvement of church members is a key factor for the success of “Tokyo 13.” The response of the committee members to the appeal for a commitment to “Tokyo 13” was great. We are looking forward to joining this historical evangelical effort in 2013.