Jesus@Tokyo - 'Tokyo 13' Mission to the Cities Evangelism

In recent years in Japan, hardly a case that souls to be saved just as the result of holding evangelistic meetings.  So such a way of evangelism has been invalid in today’s society of our country.  But there is One method of soul winning still valid in this secular world.  That is Christ’s method. 

The Lord Himself mingled with people, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence, then told them “Follow me.”  In this way, He won many souls.  Yes, our strategy for TOKYO 13 will be exactly like this – a relational evangelism.

During coming Fall, this year, 2013, we will hold 49 evangelistic meetings.  In order to make them successful, our local churches will organize small groups, then do teams ministry for the revival of church members, and to invite new people to the church.
Our goal for soul winning as a result of TOKYO 13 is 100 new believers. 

You may think this number is too small compared to other goals among the Adventist churches in the big cities around the world.  However, 100 is three times larger than the number of baptisms of one year in Tokyo area in the recent years.  Thinking of this fact, even 100 is a big challenge for us.

At Tokyo Korean Church, and Tokyo Chinese Church, each already has held their first evangelistic meeting in May this year, and won a few souls.  And in June, 6 churches together had a camp meeting, to which approximately 160 attended, and 6 souls were baptized in Sabbath afternoon during the meeting. One of our teams has started special prayer meeting, and another team has already met especially for TOKYO 13.

Joining with our church schools, Japan Union Conference (JUC) has started a new style worship called “Tokyo Worship” in a contemporary way, and tried to approach young parents with school children.  Our Publishing House and the department of colporteur ministry, JUC together held a special meeting especially for the readers of monthly magazine, the Signs of the Times, and 100 readers attended it.  Also, training seminars for church members such as a care-group seminar, and His Hands training seminar for students are being held. 

In June, we will have a family ministry seminar instructed by Drs. Phoon from NSD.  In coming July, a special seminar to prepare for TOKYO 13 will be held by Pastor Kwon JohngHaeng.  JUC has just made new tracts and correspondent Bible study.  It is to support local churches. 

Our great appreciation goes to Pastor Hong Kwang Ui who has visited Japan many times in order to hold a lot of revival meetings at different places here in our country.
“13” of TOKYO 13 means every pastor and the church member is to become the 13th disciple of Christ. 

This is my sincere prayer that through this evangelistic project for the great city of Tokyo, every church, pastor, and the church member will feel a burning missionary spirit in their hearts, and this experience will be the turning point for the great harvest for the church existed just before His second coming. Please pray for the TOKYO 13 project.

News Article by Pastor Norihiko Hanada, Director of Evengelism, JUC