Hong Kong Macao Conference 34th Camp Meeting

Hong Kong Macao Conference held the 34th Camp Meeting in the period of 14-16 October at Po Leung Kuk Holiday Camp.

HKMC invited the previous vice president of General Conference, Pastor Mark Finley and his wife to be the speakers for the meeting. The theme for the Camp Meeting was “Revival for Mission”.

Pastor and Mrs. Finley shared with us 6 topics- “ Prayer and Revival”, “The Holy Spirit and Revival”, ”The Urgency of Revival”,  “True and False Revivals”, “The Promised Revival”, “Revival and Lay Involvement”.

Through these topics people attended were reminded once again of God’s great mission, that is to spread the gospel all over the world. In order to complete this mission, we must first experience a true spiritual revival. Praying earnestly, reading the Bible prayerfully, and witnessing for God bravely are the most necessary ways.

Participants were deeply touched by their messages and how God led them in their global evangelism work. They were invited to devote themselves to God and through God’s help to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, to experience the spiritual revival individually, thus, spreading the gospel to all nations in the end time and waiting for God’s glorious return.

There were 415 participants in this Camp Meeting. As for those who were unable to participate and wish to listen to those messages, Hong Kong Macao Conference already uploaded the sound tracks of the meeting on the website:  http://hkmcadventist.org