HisHands Missionaries Help at Evangelistic Series Held in Dali, Taiwan

There was a feast of words in the Dali Church in Taiwan from July 2 to 7, 2012. Pastor SukHee Han, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)HisHands Coordinator, was invited to preach the messages. Under the leadership of Pastor KiYoung Yeom, East Central Korean Conference (ECKC) HisHands Coordinator, 10 HisHands missionaries from ECKC went to Taiwan to support this meeting. In spite of a heat wave, with temperatures over 35 degrees Celsius, they went house to house by pairs and did their best to find new interests.
The meeting had three different programs. Every morning, Mrs. GuiHyeon Park opened with a Korean cooking class, so those interested could have an opportunity to cook Korean food and listen to testimonials from the Korean HisHands missionaries. In the afternoon, there was a Korean language class. It provided in-depth individual learning from beginner to intermediate classes. Participants also had a Bible study.

HisHands Missionaries & Dali Church Members (* Click to view a bigger image)

Three New members were baptized at the end of the meeting

NSD HisHands Coordinator Elder SukHee Han was the speaker (Left)

Korean language Class

Participants enjoyed trying the Korean Traditional Costume

HHMM missionaries, ECKC youth director Ki Young Yeom(center left) & NSD HHMM Coordinator elder SukHee Han(center right)

Three new members raise their hands to express their commitment

In the evening, Pastor Han gave precious messages under the theme of “Path to Everlasting Happiness and Joy.” Many Pioneer Missionary Movement (PMM) pastors in Taiwan, as well as neighboring Taiwanese pastors,showed their interest and attended the evangelistic meeting.
In addition, various activities of HisHands missionaries included a dawn prayer meeting, hospital visitation, lost members visitation, as well as the official meeting,which made a profound impression and was a good example to church members.
Through the meeting, more than 80 people visited the church and 10 people decided to study the Bible in depth, while three people were baptized. Dali Church expressed gratitude to the Korean HisHands missionaries who put 2 Timothy 4:2 into action in their lives. “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season.” The church will join the HisHands Mission Movement sooner or later to spur the soul-winning work. We hope many more people in this area can reach salvation through the gospel.