Himalayan Section-World Orphans and Vulnerable children’s day

 Increasing the numbers of the orphan and vulnerable children in this world is one of the alarming sign of the coming catastrophic risk for humanity. Present world is at the high point of  its conflicts and wars, natural disasters, famines and many  innocent people are killed every day in the name of the geographical boundaries ,casts ,groups ,races and political ideologies  living behind many children orphans and vulnerable without any hope in deep darkness of the evil .

These children are in need of care and love to come up in their lives to explore their potentialities in their fullness.

The General Conference Children Ministries has come with the plan to address this important issue and set aside a special Sabbath on November 18, 2023.

The Himalayan Section of Seventh – day Adventist Church Nepal joins hands with world church and Northern Asia Division and puts more time and its resources to address this issue ,so that all the church under the Himalayan section of Nepal has conducted different actives in the church as well as in the communities.