Health Seminar in Tokyo Chinese Church

The latest survey of the Chinese population living in Tokyo tells us that there are 160,000 Chinese. To meet the spiritual needs of this special group, Pastor Yu Chuan Fu, a PMM (Pioneer Mission Movement) pastor from the fifth group  was sent to Japan to plant a Chinese church.

In my last visit to Japan, a health seminar was organized for the Chinese Church on Sabbath, April 14. In the morning, I shared the secret of health in Sabbath School, preached on the diseases of the Egyptians during the divine service, followed by a seminar in the afternoon on natural therapy. The participants learned how to use hydrotherapy, ice rub and steam treatment for some common aches and pains.  The use of charcoal and aloe was also discussed.

More than 20 people attended including four Japanese brother and sisters.  The feedback was that we needed more of these seminars so we can learn how to use simple natural remedy to help friends, family members, and ourselves!

We need to use the right hand gospel for the end time because when we touch a human body, the Holy Spirit will touch his/her heart! Our General Conference Health Ministries motto: His Heart and Our Hand, encourages every church to be a community health center and every member a health minister. Service to humanity is the best service to God.  Let us pray for the mobilization of our church and its members to render our best to the Lord.

News article provided by Dr. Barbara Choi