Dedication of the Mriduke Daap Inae Church

On February 17, 2023, the Northern Pakistan Mission celebrated the dedication of the “Mriduke Daap Inae Church.” This momentous event marked the culmination of extraordinary dedication by a deaconess from Daap Church and the financial contributions and efforts of N. G. Park, director of Education and Mission of Pakistan Union, resulting in the church’s construction.

Seventeen precious souls receive baptism through an evangelistic meeting.

The newly constructed church building occupies about 198 square meters, with the first floor as a pastor’s residence, the second floor dedicated to the church, and a baptismal pool built on the third floor. S. B. Ji, President of Adventist University in Pakistan, oversaw the construction as the building supervisor.

The dedication service was attended by leaders from the Pakistan Union Conference and the Northern Pakistan Mission, along with approximately 200 congregants. Together, they glorified God and joyfully participated in the worship. Additionally, five other church members from the Daap Church participated in and conducted a commemorative evangelistic meeting over two days. This event led to the baptism of 17 precious souls.