2012 Golden Angels Mission Concert

On November 4, 2012, the Golden Angels, a group of singing missionaries from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD), held a mission concert at Sahmyook University, Korea. There were more than 2,000 people in attendance at the concert.

This concert was a reunion concert in which all the former Golden Angels members came together to praise the Lord. Because this concert was held during the NSD Annual Council period, all the NSD AC delegates also attended this beautiful concert.

Before the concert began, the NSD Youth/Music Ministries Director, PastorNakHyung Kim, gave the welcoming remarks. He said, “During the past year, Golden Angels Group 9 did their best to accomplishso many Christian services and to perform musical concerts. They were so full of energy to share God’s love in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Mongolia. I wondered where this energy came from. I believe that this energy comes when we praise our Lord with one voice and one mission.” 

The NSD President, Dr. Jairyong Lee, said, “I would like to give thanks to all of our church members who pray and support the Golden Angels ministries.  The Golden Angels began their ministry back in 2004 to support the mission work of our Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) missionaries. Every year we send eight Golden Angels to our mission fields. So many people’s hearts have been touched by their gifted voice when they praise God. They supported more than 20 evangelistic meetings around the world. I really appreciate their service and dedication. Also, I want to give my congratulations on this wonderful music concert.”

The Golden Angels members sang more than 20 songs during this concert. It was so well prepared and beautiful. The Sulami Singers also sang a few songs as guest singers. At the end of the concert, the NSD President, Dr. Jairyong Lee, gave appreciation plaques to each of the Golden Angels’nine members. The concert ended with Dr. Lee’s closing prayer. Many people’s hearts were touched by the Golden Angels’ singing and their testimonies.