1000MM Is Preparing a Celebration of their 20th Anniversary

  The 1000 Missionary Movement (1000MM) has taken an important part in global evangelism using Adventist young people. Looking forward to their 20th anniversary in 2013, the 1000MM is preparing many different celebrations. First, the 1000MM will develop sponsors and prepare 1,000 missionaries in Korea. It also has a goal to turn out 1,000 missionaries from Mindanao, Philippines.
In order to draw attention to this movement, 1,000 testimonies, prayer-and-answer stories, 1,000 encouraging letters, and 1,000 congratulatory messages are being collected. The 39th Batch of missionaries has a vision to have 1,000 baptisms to the Lord.

  In addition, the 1000MM will establish 20 branches and sub-branches, and develop more than 20 countries which missionaries will come from and go to. Actually, the maximum number of missionaries that the main campus in the Philippines can train each session is just 120. As there are two training sessions every year, 240 missionaries are trained and sent. But there are 12 branches which share the same philosophy and purpose under the name of “1000MM”, although they are from different countries, races, and speak different languages. In cooperation with the branches, the 1000MM aims to send 1,000 missionaries every year.

  “The number 1,000 is not a mere symbol. This is the number of missionaries we want to send every year. This spirit and vision will lead the 1000MM into the future,” said Pastor GwangSoo Park, 1000MM Director.